A HMAA AKADÉMIA következő előadása:
DATE: July 30, 2021, 2:00 PM CET
In accordance with government regulations, the event can only be attended online.
Zoom link:
The chief patron and moderator of the event:
Prof. Dr. Akos Koller
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Semmelweis University / New York Medical College
Saving brains by changing minds: The Gammaknife story
Dr. Dheerenda Prasad
Medical Director, Department of Radiation Medicine, Director, Central Nervous System & Pediatric Radiation Medicine, Director, Gamma Knife Center, Professor of Radiation Medicine & Neurosurgery at Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center
Clinical Associate Professor, Professor of Clinical Neurosurgery & Radiation Oncology at Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo
Sugáragysebészet a XXI. század hajnalán
Prof. Dr. med. habil. György Szeifert PhD
egyetemi magántanár, Semmelweis Egyetem Idegsebészeti Tanszék
osztályvezető főorvos – Békés Megyei Központi Kórház, Idegsebészeti Osztály
Questions, summary
We look forward to seeing you online:
Prof. Dr. Ákos Koller, Prof. Dr. Laszlo Mechtler and the team of the MIND Brain-Gut Center
A weboldalt készítette: zafirproject.hu
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